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Topics - Holditch

Some bedtime listening for you all

The depth of sound of the Notre Dame organ is quite amazing, and this pieces is fitting for such an amazing building and organ
Organ concerts / Holy Name, Oxford Rd, Manchester
November 11, 2014, 09:54:58 PM
I would just like to bring to everyone's attention the series of organ concerts being held at The Holy Name church, Manchester.

Here is a link

Playing the Hill organ tomorrow will be Jeffrey Makinson of Manchester Cathedral, and I am fairly sure it is a 7.30pm start
FOR SALE and WANTED / Harold Walter Greenhill Idylle
October 18, 2013, 05:04:26 PM
Hello everyone

I'm on the hunt for a manuscript copy of Harold Walter Greenhill's piece Idylle , written in 1937 I think (taken from Two Pieces)

I recently heard this performed at Leeds Minster by Alan Horsey and was quite taken with it and would like to learn the piece, but I am struggling finding anyone who has a copy

If you have any leads please let me know

Many thanks

The more I think about this, I like it!
Capitalism, an easy way to obtain money, but may be a cry out from the pipe organ

I am about to commence the dismantling of a 1960's Rushworth organ with a mind to installation into another church.

My question is with regards to asbestos and the use of this material in building pipe organs. I know about the possibility of asbestos lining blower boxes, but does anyone know if the material was used to line swell chambers? Up until a few years ago it was used in all sorts of things (kitchen floor tiles, shed roofs, etc)

The organ we are dismantling has a fibrous board lining the inside of the swell chamber, and it dawned upon me that asbestos might be lurking, or am I just being paranoid?

Any advice would be most welcome

Best wishes


Quite an interesting video clip to see what a state of the art Rogers electronic organ sounded like in the 1970s

Oh and it involves Virgil Fox! (nice cravat!)

Quite stunning! Roger Fisher produces a magnificent performance on the organ at Chester cathedral
Organ registration / 32ft on a manual
June 28, 2012, 06:39:26 PM
Having purchased "The Emperor's Fanfare" and listened to Carlo Curley's performance on the Girard College Organ in Pennsylvania it made me think how many other instruments in the world have a 32ft stop available on the manuals?

I suppose this is an American thing, i.e. size is everything, but it seems to work with the romantic music CC was playing

Here is some of the specification for the Girard organ

Just answered my own question, Liverpool Anglican Cathedral (I suppose with that many ranks there had to be one on the manuals!)
Pure dramatism, emotion and expression

Shame about the recording quality, if any knows if the CD is available please let me know

I'm about to embark on learning this, wish me luck!

This looks very interesting and not too big for a house

Many of the Walker extension organs make fine little instruments

Having looked at the photos it may even be a straight organ (lots of pipes on that windchest!) ?

I will shortly be spending a couple of days in Glasgow and wondered if anyone could recommend visiting any organs/churches in the city ?

I do enjoy museums but pipe organs are much more interesting :)

Many thanks
I thought this would be an interesting topic, who are people's favourite organists?

When I mention the word favourite, it doesn't necessarily mean best, so a basic reason for choosing that person would be interesting too. The performer can be dead or alive, local or internationally renowned 

Here are my top five (with a rather French bias!)

1: Marie Claire Alain: Her performances breathe life into the music she plays, her musicality and understanding of expression is masterful.

2: Marcel Dupre : His performance of Widor Symphony 9 at Saint Suplice was a wake up call for me when I first heard it. It sent shivers down my spine unlike any other music I had ever heard.

3: Jean Pierre Leguay : Liszt and Leguay are a perfect match, he makes the organ at Notre Dame Paris shine to its full potential

4: Thomas Trotter: A seasoned all round performer, whose performances inspire and delight

5: Cameron Carpenter: A bit of a political hot potato is Cameron, this is potentially why he is in my top five. You either love or hate his style and attitude, but in my opinion the organ world needs mavericks like him. His technique whilst not necessarily totally musical, is a wonder to watch

remember its just for fun!


Another basic but usable 2 manual + pedal tracker action organ which surely can be saved. It even has an oboe!

Best Regards


Quite a rarity, six manuals

And quite an amazing painted facade to the organ at the Waldsassen Basilica.

Does anyone have a polar plot of an organ pipe?

I wonder if anyone has done such a thing?

Many thanks
Organs in danger / Organ maybe not in danger any more?
August 03, 2011, 07:46:41 PM
I would like to share the details of my next organ project, which hopefully will happen.

I hope to relocate this organ to the church I play at in the same diocese

St Francis has recently closed its doors due to the rather common problem of a leaky roof, dwindling numbers and the high cost of building upkeep.

Here is a link with a few photos describing my visit to see the organ

As the article says, my visit was just a fact-finding mission, i.e. taking measurements, try the organ for sound and generally looking at its construction.

I hope to keep you up to date about the progress of my mission (I am naming this a mission as it may take some doing!)

Watch this space


I am in the market for 6 (possibly 8) toe pistons for the next stage of my house pipe organ build.

If anyone has anything second hand lying around I would be interested to know?

Many thanks