Organ matters - Organs matter!

Organ concerts => Organ concerts => Topic started by: Holditch on June 03, 2011, 07:56:50 AM

Title: Glastonbury!
Post by: Holditch on June 03, 2011, 07:56:50 AM
No, this is not an announcement of an upcoming organ concert at the well-known music festival, but maybe it is a pipe dream?

I was watching one of my teenage stepsons DVDs the other night about the Glastonbury music festival. It portrayed how diverse and wide ranging the festival is and how many different forms of music and people come together for the festival event. I then had a thought (a pipe dream!), wouldn't it be interesting to organise as part of the festival's program an organ concert.

My pipe dreamed continued involving world famous organists, Olivier Latry, Cameron Carpenter, Ian Tracey, etc, playing all the famous stuff

The organ would have to be the most modern of electronic conceptions, and it would need probably 10 to 20k of sound system, in its own self contained concert tent!

I felt that people would come to listen, even come to get away from the commercial roar of modern day music, they would come to be inspired and see something different, more than Jazz and roots music, something once heard and maybe lost.

I think Michael Eavis (Glastonbury's founder) might even consider it? Or is it another random pipe dream

Title: Re: Glastonbury!
Post by: Colin Pykett on June 03, 2011, 11:37:44 AM
Nice idea, but it could not happen next year (2012) because my daughter informed me that, apparently, there will be no Glastonbury.  From what she said, the calls on what might be termed 'event infrastructure' are so immense during the Olympics year that nobody else can now get a look-in for items such as marquees, scaffolding, PA equipment - you name it, you can't get it.  It's all been gobbled up already.

So if any forum member has plans for an outdoor event next year, beware!

Amazing what you learn from the younger generation!

Colin Pykett
Title: Re: Glastonbury!
Post by: KB7DQH on July 27, 2011, 04:03:30 PM
Now with all the redundant REAL pipe organs cluttering up organ builders' workshops and storage facilities, what would prevent the "unmothballing" of an appropriate instrument and temporarily installing it for the duration of the event ???  (other than lack of money perhaps?)
