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Messages - ButterFingers

Like many people, I live somewhere to small to buy a classical organ, even though they sell for very little on eBay. So for me like many others I have to settle for a digital.

At the moment I have an AT30R, which for its size has a big sound which even by today's standard sounds pretty authentic. Now however I wish to upgrade to another Atelier.

Now, my question is should I upgrade to last generation Atelier such as an 60SL or 80SL, or is it worth spending more to buy an AT300 or AT500. The later options are still cheaper than the 800-900 which cost way more than their smaller counterparts.

Living in a flat the AT30R is the best choice so it would have to be one similar but upgraded. The AT800 and 900 are not necessary.

I have looked on Youtube, but the sound quality varies and it is hard to make a comparison for the last generation to the newer generation.

Is there anybody out there that has had both that can tell me if the differences are major and what are the benefits of either are.

I am sure others would like to know as well, as they might want classical they can also extent upon with a larger genre of music.
I have just been looking on eBay UK when I saw a Regency style Classical Harpsichord which has been made authentic through purpose ageing then given a Steampunk feel, comes complete with Chair. Custom Design restoration on a commission piece. Would love to buy it as I mostly play Classical onward but the price is a bit high. You can make offers but it might still be a bit out of my realm. It looks stunning though and the restorer states it took 2.6 years to complete. Looking at it I can see why.

I would love to know what anyone else thinks of it. Are is Rotherham, a bit too far away for me to go and see.