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Messages - Barrie Davis


Does anyone know what happened to the Willis that was originally here?

I had the pleasure of playing this instrument twice last week, the action is terrible some of the pedal pipes are so ingrained with dirt that they do not speak properly, but what a fantastic sound the organ makes apart from these problems. The organ carries the Historic Organ Certificate Grade 2. The NPOR listing is NPOR NO3331. It is well worth a visit if you are in the area.

£50 would be better!!! I didnt see the stoplist anywhere. I wish advertisers would realise the cost of removing the organ, cleaning of it and then rebuilding it if its lucky somewhere else.

I have played several, they have a mixture stop which is only of 2 octaves from memory, which keeps repeating itself but totally independent of any other rank, it works well!!
I have played the larger model with the Trumpet rank in, it was a shame the bottom octave of the 16ft extesion wasnt put it.
Very versatile little organs and I love the Walker stopkeys (apart from the double touch cancelling).


The scheme sounds good, we had planned something similar a few years ago but there was great opposition and then the Victorian Society got involved forcing the plans to gp to a Consistory Court. Only the Chancel area was altered and raised, the draughty windows remain and we long for a water closet in the building. I hope everything goes well for Hammerwood.

Best wishes

What are they planning to do to it?
From memory it was analogue, I am sure Anthony Bogdan or Hugh Banton even David Fetterman could answer thisin more detail. I did have the original leaflet on it until recently when I decided I didnt want to keep details of toasters. If it needed revoicing to suit a new home HB and DF are the best people to ask.

Best wishes

Holy Spirit Harlescotte Shrewsbury was very similar and there were no black cancelling devices over the stopkeys. The whole range of organs in this series were well built and voiced.

I much prefered these to the Walker alternatives with repeating mixtures.

Yes the organ world is aware of this but where its new home will be can only be speculated upon

Best wishes


Im intruiged by HJ in many respects he was a genius. I have to admit I have only played one of his organs that being in Stourport before the fire and it did the job it was supposed to. I knew the bits at Worcester Cathedral they worked, but didnt please the Cathedral. Please can we have more information about this man, maybe on another topic.

Best wishes


Look at St Dyfnog Llanraeadr Denbighshire NPOR SJ081633, its basically original restored by Wood of Huddersfield there are a couple of photographs. This is one of the few Hope Jones I know about.

Best wishes

Organs in danger / Pilton
July 30, 2011, 08:14:46 PM
Ill try and see how previous posts about this can be moved.

I agree it should be moved and will see what can be done.

FOR SALE and WANTED / Re: The Harrison Story
July 30, 2011, 09:47:12 AM
I have sent you a pm Hector

QuoteVoix Cynique,

I have commented before about your remarks made from second-hand snippets obtained from organists.  Posts of this type bring the Board into disrepute.  David Butterworth is a very fine musician and knows a great deal about organs and organbuilding.

Your comments are entirely inappropriate.  (Making comments such as 'would have been' merely parades your lack of first-hand knowledge.) when you never heard the organ is  I suggest that you delete them yourself and take more care about what you write in the future.

Barry Williams

I agree wholeheartedly with the above post by Barry Williams, if this continues several valued members of this Forum will simply leave, much to the detriment of the Forum.

Your comments must be accurate and not based on your lacking knowledge.

I would advise you to think about the accuracy of any posts you may make in the future.

Barrie Davis

[Forum Admin: I have suggested also to VC that he tries to take up lessons so that he can comment from a perspective that only a player can have - and made the comment that were he to spend the time practicing that he otherwise spends on internet forums, within three years he'd be a good organist. Such comments are intended to be helpful guidance from a friendly perspective. I have added to these Moderators' comments in lieu of creating another post . . .]

Im glad they got rid of the Nottingham organ as one of the blowers is now winding my instrument!!!! I have heard that the new organ does a very good job and hope to hear it later this year.

If Paul Carr reads the comment about the Abbey organ perhaps he would care to comment as he gave a recital on it this year. You are quite correct about the Celestial or Echo organ still being there, I cant see any point in it being connected.

Best wishes

Organ building and maintenance / The Twelfth
July 25, 2011, 09:25:04 AM
Was the introduction of the Diapason based Twelfth to this country a Victorian idea, as prior to this period I have only ever seen Nazards, which really should be wide scale and used in conjunction with other mutations.
I am curious as I rarely use the Twelfth on the organ I play but use the Nazard on the Positif regularly.

Best wishes

FOR SALE and WANTED / Re: The Harrison Story
July 25, 2011, 09:20:40 AM
Thanks for the information Jonathan Im afraid thats a little out of my price range, my search will continue. I do wish Positif Press could do a facsimile version of it and also possibly do ones of the Rotunda as those were most interesting.

Best wishes

FOR SALE and WANTED / The Harrison Story
July 24, 2011, 08:05:16 PM
Hi Im trying to find a copy of this book at a reasonable price, any offers?

Sorry for the one liner I was dashing to the Crem to play for a service at the time. Vowles made fine organs for accompanying and David is quite right in saying that Tracker action isnt rocket science. Leather buttons are cheap and easily replaced, I wish the keys on my ep were as easy to regulate.
